Post-harvest areas

Post-harvest areas are designated for processing the harvested plant product, in particular for trimming, drying, curing and packaging. Green House Energrow is in the process of obtaining GMP certification, as post-harvest areas must meet certain quality standards.

Post-harvest areas

The post-harvest areas are located within the facility and we are currently working on structural modifications of the specific rooms to ensure full compliance with GMP rules.


The different rooms used in post-harvest processes are listed here:

-Two drying rooms (67.70 m2 each)

-Two trimming rooms (52.62 m2 each)

-One packing room (51.90 m2)

-Three secure storage rooms ( 51.92 m2, 38.51 m2 and 11.38 m2)

Drying room

The Drying Room is where all recently harvested flower material stays while it is awaiting trimming and storage. The room has an open floor plan and space for enough harvest carts to rest for 2 week’s worth of harvested material. Air in this room is kept cool, dry, scrubbed, fresh, and heavily circulated to avoid the settling and growth of any mold or bacterial spores on the flowers. ​

Trimming room

The Trimming Room is where the flower material is processed after being taken from the Drying room. This room has similar environmental controls and standards to the plant cultivation rooms, but must be kept colder and cleaner in order to maintain the delicate condition of recently cut flower material. It contains trimming areas, tables and chairs for Processing Staff and has sufficient space for harvest carts to roll in and out as material is processed throughout the day

Packing room

Once the Cannabis inflorescences have completed the drying and curing process, they are packed in a modern packing room. This room meets cleanroom standard and the flowers are packed either manually or using an automatic packing machine. All the different and specific batches of flowers, the variety and the different information are recorder on each label, and can be easily identified by a specific barcode, recorded in the electronic control system.

More about GHEG

Experience in crop protection

Green House Energrow Ltd. has extensive cannabis growing experience and has developed precise, integrated pest management protocols proven to manage pathogens and pests in cannabis cultivation. Our employees are trained to search for pest and disease during any of our operations. We conduct regular visual presentations to refresh everyone’s memory of the pests and diseases we are looking for. We believe that awareness and preventative practices are the key to success

Manual Trimming

Our operators are trained to trim the inflorescences manually, instead of using an automatic machine. Through this protocol, we ensure the integrity of the flower, without unjustified loss of trichomes and other essential parts. Damage to trichomes results in the loss of cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids and other molecules contained therein. Moreover, with manual trimming, greater care is taken in the process, which also increases the visual quality of the flower.

The functionality of trichomes

Trichomes act as the initial defense mechanism of cannabis plants against various external environmental hazards. In the flowering stage, female cannabis plants become appealing to several insects and animals. Trichomes generate cannabinoids and terpenes, which have a bitter flavor and a strong scent that repels many potential pests. These small hair-like projections also serve as a physical barrier, safeguarding the cannabis plants from strong winds and some types of fungi. Additionally, they provide some safeguarding against the sun by preventing or reflecting possibly harmful UV rays.